Virtual Junior Curators: Big Things

February 2022's theme was Big Things!

Various craft supplies in front of a tarbosaur skull.

UAMN photo by Jennifer Arseneau.

Discover big things! Make a DNA model, create a paper whale skeleton, make a museum exhibit, and more. 

At Home Activities:

The links are all PDF documents. 

             Whale figurine next to a homemade DNA model.                   A small booklet with the words "My Big Ideas Book" written on the front. Two colored pencils are next to the booklet.              Mini museum exhibit example, with cutouts of various museum objects glued to a piece of cardstock folded into thirds.

Left to Right: Build Whale DNA, Big Ideas Origami Notebook, and  Create a Little Exhibit examples.



Watch a video about big things at the UA Museum of the North:



For activities designed for kids ages 5 and under, go to our Virtual Early Explorers page.


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