shAKe: Earthquakes in Interior Alaska

Major earthquakes are a part of the history and the future of Interior Alaska.

The last 100 years have seen vast changes in how we understand these events and how the impact on the public has been recorded through local newspapers.

"Interior Alaska experiences large earthquakes. Magnitude 7+ earthquakes occur every few decades, but relatively few people in this mobile population have passed the stories to the next generation. The history of Interior earthquakes demonstrates that we are in a seismically active—and even hazardous—region.

Our hope is that this exhibit will raise earthquake awareness in Interior Alaska, describe the extent of Alaska earthquakes, and look at how historical earthquakes were featured in the newspapers of the time.

Earthquakes happen every day in Alaska and major, damaging earthquakes happen in Interior Alaska every few decades. We can learn from past stories to prepare for the future."

-- Guest Curator and Associate Professor of Geophysics, Carl Tape

Alaska experienced 84% of Magnitude 4 or greater earthquakes occurring in the United States over the past 5 years.

In the Exhibit

  • Learn about Alaska earthquakes as they occur.
  • Shake the ground like an earthquake does.
  • See a first edition of the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner.
  • Read reprints of Fairbanks Daily News-Miner and other papers from earthquake events from 1904 to 2014.
  • Look inside an Alaska Earthquake Center (AEC) remote seismometer station.
  • Listen to first-hand accounts of earthquake experiences.
  • Peer inside laser-etched models of true to size earthquake ground-motion.

The entry to the Shake exhibit

Shake: Earthquakes in Interior Alaska