Daniel H. Mann

Daniel H. Mann


I am a Quaternary geologist and ecologist who studies how complex systems (geological, ecological, and cultural) respond to change. I am currently Professor of Geography in the Geosciences Department and Senior Research Scientist in the Institute of Arctic Biology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. I teach classes in Biogeography, Climate-Change Processes, Ice-Age Alaska, and Geography of Natural Hazards. I serve on graduate advisory committees in Geosciences, Geography, and Biology & Wildlife.

My Research Interests….

Geomorphology of glaciated landscapes and polar regions
Climate history, particularly of the Arctic
Self-organization of natural systems
Forest ecology, particularly of the boreal forest
Human ecology during times of rapid environmental change
End-Pleistocene extinctions
Carbon farming

My Background….

As an undergraduate at the University of Washington, I first studied anthropology, then switched to insect ecology, and later was drawn to Quaternary studies. I work in Alaska because it contains the largest intact natural ecosystems in North America and has a fascinating legacy of giant glaciers and extinct beasts. My research is largely field based. I have consulted extensively for industry as a coastal geomorphologist and soil scientist.

Prospective students…

You need to be a self-starter, be 100% dedicated to your educational goals, and be willing to take intellectual risks. Also, you should not mind being wet and cold, and you must like to dig. Because technology and culture change so quickly, the most valuable thing I can teach you is how to ask questions and design research, and the most important things you will learn are not facts but perspectives.