Publications (PDF)
Curriculum Vitae
GEOS 225 - Field and Computer Methods (Spring, co-teaching with Rainer Newberry)
GEOS 314 - Structural Geology (Spring even years, alternating with Elisabeth Nadin)
GEOS 454 - Geology Field Camp (Summer, 8 weeks, co-teaching with various faculty)
GEOS 484/682 - Geoscience Seminar
GEOS 605 - Geochronology (Fall odd years)
GEOS 694 - Deformation and Metamorphism of Crystalline Rocks
- Interaction between metamorphism and deformation
- Microtectonics
- Metamorphism of metasedimentary rocks
- Gneiss domes
- Axial Zone of the Pyrenees
- Deformation of belemnites
Research Gate