Gordon Kruse
Professor Emeritus
Commercial Fisheries
Fisheries Ecology
Fisheries Oceanography
Fisheries Population and Biometry
Fisheries Management
Marine Invertebrates
College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences
203 Lena Point Bldg.
17101 Point Lena Loop Rd
Juneau, AK 99801-8344
Office Hours
Wednesday & Friday
or by appointment
1:30–3:30 pm
203 Lena Point bldg.
G.H. Kruse, H.-C. An, J. DiCosimo, C.A. Eischens, G.S. Gislason, D.N. McBride, C.S.
Rose, and C.E. Siddon, editors. (2015). "Fisheries Bycatch: Global Issues and Creative
Solutions". Alaska Sea Grant,
J.I. Richar, G.H. Kruse, E. Curchitser, and A.J. Hermann. (2015). "Patterns in connectivity
and retention of simulated Tanner crab (Chionoecetes bairdi) larvae in the eastern
Bering Sea". Progress in Oceanography, in press..
J.M. Marsh, R.J. Foy, N. Hillgruber, and G.H. Kruse. (2015). "Variability in trophic
levels of four commercially important groundfish species in the Gulf of Alaska". Fisheries Research. 165:100-114.
J.R. Glass, G.H. Kruse, and S.A. Miller. (2015). "Socioeconomic considerations of
the commercial weathervane scallop fishery off Alaska using a SWOT analysis". Ocean and Coastal Management. 105:154-165.
T. Uchiyama, G.H. Kruse, and F.J. Mueter. (2015). "A multispecies biomass dynamics
model for investigating predator-prey interactions in the Bering Sea groundfish community".
Deep-Sea Research. in press.
V.R. von Biela, G.H. Kruse, F.J. Mueter, B.A. Black, D.C. Douglas, T.E. Helser, and
C.E. Zimmerman. (2015). "Evidence of bottom-up limitations in nearshore marine systems
based on otolith proxies of fish growth". Marine Biology. 162:1019-1031.
J. Zheng and G.H. Kruse. (2014). King crabs of the world: Biology and fisheries management.
"King crab stock assessments in Alaska". Ed. B.G. Stevens. :Pages 519-538. CRC Press,
Taylor and Francis.,
R.M. Wadsworth, K. Criddle, and G.H. Kruse. (2014). "Incorporating stakeholder input
into marine research priorities for the Aleutian Islands". Ocean and Coastal Management. 98:11-19.
J.R. Gasper and G.H. Kruse. (2013). "Modeling of the spatial distribution of Pacific
spiny dogfish (Squalus suckleyi) in the Gulf of Alaska using generalized additive
and generalized linear models". Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 70:1372-1385.
K.M. Swiney, G.L. Eckert, and G.H. Kruse. (2013). "Does maternal size affect red king
crab, Paralithodes camtschaticus, embryo and larval quality?". Journal of Crustacean Biology. 33:470-480.
Martell, S., I. Stuart, and J. Sullivan. (2015). Fisheries bycatch: Global issues and creative solutions. "Implications of Bycatch, discards, and size limits on reference points in the Pacific
halibut fishery". Ed. G.H. Kruse, H.C. An, J. DiCosimo, C.A. Eischens, G.S. Gislason,
D.N. McBride, C.S. Rose, and C.E. Siddon. Alaska Sea Grant.
doi: http://doi.org/10.4027/fbgics.2015.03
2012. Global Progress in Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management. Ed. Kruse, G.H., H.I. Browman, K.L. Cochrane, D. Evans, G.S. Jamieson, P.A. Livingston,
D. Woodby, and C.I. Zhang. :396. Alaska Sea Grant, University of Alaska Fairbanks.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4027/gpebfm.2012
J. P. Stahl and G. H. Kruse. (2008). Resiliency of gadid stocks to fishing and climate
change. "Classification of ovarian stages of walleye pollock". Ed. G. H. Kruse, K.
Drinkwater, J. N. Ianelli, J. S. Link, D. L. Stram, V. Wespestad and D. Woodby. Alaska
Sea Grant College Program.
- Marine fish and invertebrate ecology
- Marine fish and invertebrate biology
- Fisheries oceanography
- Population dynamics
- Fisheries management
- Female reproductive potential of eastern Bering Sea snow crab
- Development of direct aging methods for commercially important crustaceans in Alaska
- Growth chronology of shortraker rockfish in Prince William Sound
- Fishery, Climate, and Ecological Effects on Pacific Halibut Size-at-age
- Multispecies modeling of key groundfish species in the eastern Bering Sea
- Reproductive biology of walleye pollock and implications on fishery management in the Gulf of Alaska
FISH 640 Management of Renewable Marine Resources
FISH 641 Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management
MSL 652 Marine Ecosystems
- Visiting Scientist Award, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Wellington, New Zealand, February – June 2015.
- Alaska Ocean Leadership Award for Research, Alaska SeaLife Center, January 2010.
- W.F. Thompson Best Student Paper Award for 2008, American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists, for Stahl and Kruse (2009) published in the Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc.
- Registry of Distinguished Graduates, Oregon State University, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, June 2008.
- Lavern Weber Visiting Scientist Award, Oregon State University, Hatfield Marine Science Center, July – December 2007.
- Meritorious Service Award, American Fisheries Society, Alaska Chapter, November 1998
- Most Significant Paper of 1989, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, July 1990.
- Commendation Award, Alaska Governor Steve Cowper, August 1989.
- Performance Award for Meritorious Service, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, March 1989.
- Walter G. Jones Fishery Development Award, Oregon State University, May 1982.
- Outstanding Publication Award, Oregon State University Graduate School, July 1982.
- Fishery Science Committee, PICES -- the North Pacific Marine Science Organization
- Fellow, Cooperative Institute for Alaska Research (CIFAR), University of Alaska Fairbanks
- American Fisheries Society
- National Shellfisheries Association
- American Statistical Association
- Science Panel, Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council
- Scientific and Statistical Committee, North Pacific Fishery Management Council