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Featured Project

Arctic RIOS team walking on Toolik boardwalk
Charting ‘Streams as Sensors’ of Climate Change with the Arctic RIOS Project

As climate change rapidly alters the Arctic, researchers at Toolik Field Station are diving in to study how the Arctic’s river networks can be used to understand what’s happening to the whole landscape. To do so, they’re revolutionizing the ways scientists study streams, using new approaches to data collection and analysis. Even more, they’re finding that these new methods can pinpoint, within the vast expanse of tundra, hotspots of change.


Stories from the Field

Safety Coordinator and lead EMT Scott Filippone shows a station resident the new Lifepak system for monitoring patients at Toolik Field Station in August 2023.

Jul 03

Toolik's two-person Safety Department works to counter the wide-ranging risks encountered at the station, from promoting safe wilderness travel to serving as first responders in medical incidents to ensuring lab safety.

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