The English Department offers several monetary contests for student writing. Contests for the 2024–25 academic year will open in January 2025. Please email the English Department at if you have any questions about the contests.
Harold McCracken Award for Outstanding Writing about Alaska and the North Country
Purpose: To provide an award to a UAF Student for creative writing in a broad Alaska field.
Eligibility: Open to UAF undergraduate or graduate students.
Submission Rules: Submit a short story or single chapter from a novel that pertains to Alaska.
Amount: $500
Minnie E. Wells Award in Literary Criticism Contest
Purpose: To provide an award based upon an essay written by a student for an upper division
literature course offered by the UAF Department of English.
Eligibility: The student must be a UAF Sophomore, Junior, or Senior in good academic standing
(GPA of 2.0 or above).
Submission Rules: Submit an essay that was written in an upper-level division (300, 400, or 600 level)
literature course within the UAF English Department during the Spring, Summer, or
Fall semester of 2024 or Spring of 2025.
Amount: $200
Caroline Musgrove Coons Writing Scholarship
Purpose: To provide tuition grants to sophomore or junior students majoring in English at
the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Eligibility: The student must be a full-time Sophomore or Junior majoring in English.
Submission Rules: There are three documents required:
- One letter describing your educational goals.
- One letter of recommendation from a faculty member.
- One creative or academic writing piece no longer than 25 pages.
Amount: Up to $5,000 in tuition reimbursement.
E.L. Bartlett Contest for Literary Criticism
Purpose: To provide an annual award for the English Department's literary criticism contest.
Eligibility: Open to UAF undergraduate or graduate students.
Submission Note: The writing piece can be from an upper-division or graduate-level literary course
taken at UAF from the Spring, Summer, or Fall of 2024, or Spring 2025.
Amount: $200
Farthest North Fiction
Eligibility: Open to all UAF undergraduate and graduate students
Amount: $100 for the undergraduate winner and $100 for the graduate winner
Northern Lights Essay
Eligibility: Open to all UAF undergraduate and graduate students
Amount: $100 for the undergraduate winner and $100 for the graduate winner
Derick Burleson Poetry
Eligibility: Open to all UAF undergraduate and graduate students
Amount: $100 for the undergraduate winner and $100 for the graduate winner