Computer Art
Degrees offered through the Computer Art program include:
Computer Art Program
The UAF Computer Art program offers undergraduate courses in 3-D Animation, Digital Video and Digital Photography and graduate level courses in 3-D animation and Digital Design. Many of the undergraduate courses are cross-listed with Communications and Journalism (COJO) and Film and Performing Arts (FLPA). BFA Computer Art majors can choose their focus within the digital arts, ranging from installation art, digital illustrations to 3-D animation.
Selected Student Works
Students have access to a computer classroom in the Fine Arts Complex as well as in the Bunnell Building lab.
Student Clubs
Miho Aoki
Associate Professor of Digital Art
Miho Aoki studied digital art and animation at the Advanced Computing Center for Arts and Design and received a Master of Fine Arts degree from Ohio State University. Her works have been exhibited at the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, University of Alaska Museum of the North, and other art galleries. She also produces computer-generated animations for art performances and educational videos.
Animation by Akanit Nakoneczny