ACEP Research and Community Partnerships Celebrated by UA Board of Regents

The latest segment in the University of Alaska’s “Did You Know" video series showcases the work ACEP, along with University of Alaska Southeast, is conducting in alternative and renewable energy programs around the state.
The video features a testimonial from Alaska Power Association’s Crystal Enkvist and shows how the research at UA is benefiting the state and setting renewable energy and microgrid standards across the country.
The UA Board of Regents celebrated ACEPs’ research and work during its June 2-3 meeting. Renewable energy research being conducted at ACEP and across the UA system plays a critical role in the successful expansion of renewable energy sources across the state.
The “Did You Know” project is designed to highlight university excellence and points of pride through storytelling and data. The goal is to keep university stakeholders informed about the university’s key role in changing lives and shaping the state's economy.
“Alaska has so much to offer our country, our fellow citizens, even our allies around the world in conjunction with the university,” Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan said in the video. “We can attract the best minds, the best research on energy, on critical minerals we need, that our allies need, and we can do that in conjunction with training a world-class workforce.”
The presentation highlights the efforts underway to address energy security, the research being conducted, and what it could mean for Alaska and the university to provide domestic energy security for our state and the rest of the country.
All “Did You Know” success stories can be found at