"DER-CAM" — An Emerging Microgrid Configuration Optimization Computer Tool

On April 9, ACEP hosted an overview and demonstration of the Distributed Energy Resources Customer Adoption Model computer tool, presented by Gonçalo Cardoso and Miguel Heleno from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
DER-CAM is a microgrid modeling computer program with capabilities to address both electrical and thermal energy resource integration and connectivity networks. It can be used to explore possible modifications to existing systems and to evaluate configuration alternatives for new microgrid projects. DER-CAM's capabilities can be relevant for any grid size and composition, and it has been used to develop solutions for cost and resilience-enhancement applications that range from building-level to utility-scale. The DER-CAM software is available at no cost from LBNL.
In addition to providing an introduction to DER-CAM, Cardoso and Heleno described the process for developing DER-CAM models, shared highlights from a DER-CAM analysis of Nome's multiresource microgrid and explained guidelines for using DER-CAM with a range of other Alaska-based case studies. ACEP, AEA and Fairbanks North Star Borough personnel participated in the meeting.
DER-CAM is presented at ACEP. Photo by Amanda Byrd/ACEP