ARENA Participants Ready to Apply Learning from Alaska On-site Program

2017 Arctic Remote Energy Networks Academy (ARENA) participants wrapped up the Alaska on-site program on June 23rd. ARENA is a capacity-building / knowledge-sharing / networkbuilding initiative focused on establishing sustainable energy solutions for remote communities in the Arctic and other regions of the world. A key theme for the Alaska onsite focused on the integration of renewable energy resources within diesel-powered microgrids. ACEP is grateful for the time and effort given to the effort by many Alaskan individuals and organizations, sharing dedicated to the effort, as they shared generously from their knowledge and experience. A highlight for many of the participants was Dr. Marc Mueller-Stoffels' briefing about microgrid functionality and a compelling demonstration in ACEP's Power Systems Integration Laboratory that highlighted the challenges of independent variability in loads and energy resource availability. Approximately half of the 17 ARENA Alaska On-site participants extended their stay to include an optional side-trip to Nome, where they are visiting the sustainable development site at Pilgrim Hot Springs, and leveraging Nome's experience working with an Independent Power Producer and managing wind resources to complement their insights from discussions with utility operators, technologists and project developers in Fairbanks and Kotzebue. The third and final 2017 ARENA on-site program will be hosted by Iceland in November, preceded by a visit to Greenland, and will focus largely on geothermal energy, heat distribution systems, hydroelectric energy and energy-enabled economic strategies. The ARENA program has been endorsed by the Arctic Council's Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG), and is co-led by the United States, Canada, Finland, Iceland, Aleut International Association and Gwich'in Council International.