Outreach Team visits Eielson Jr/Sr High School

Program Assistants Marcia Cassino and Max Frey paid a visit to Eielson Jr./Sr. High School on March 4th to teach students about energy and to lead them in a wind energy exercise.
The class of 16 students was divided into two teams: the “Wild Carrots” and the “Leonard Nimoys.” Each team had to assemble a wind turbine then create a uniform blade design which was then tested for power output using a box fan blowing at ~4 mph.
The Wild Carrots were able to win the day with a maximum power output of 1349 mV.
If you are an educator that would like to host a visit from the ACEP Outreach team, contact us at mefrey@alaska.edu or (907) 474-1143.
Photo: Members of team Wild Carrots are seen testing their turbine design first. Photo credit M. Cassino, ACEP/UAF.