INE Director Takes Position at UA Statewide

Daniel White is stepping down as Director of the Institute of Northern Engineering (INE). ACEP is one of five centers of INE. Director White will be assuming a new position at University of Alaska Statewide as Vice President for Academic Affairs and Research.
In a letter to faculty and staff, Director White stated, “It is with mixed emotions that I make the switch from UAF to UA. Aside from the last couple months, I spent my entire career in the Duckering Building (20 years this July).” He also conveyed his appreciation for those he has worked with and that he was “especially grateful for the 9 years that (he) could serve as INE Director.”
ACEP would like to wish Director White the best of luck in his new position and thank him for all of his efforts as the Director of INE.
Photo: INE Director Daniel White. Photo courtesy INE/UAF.