Researcher Presents at Microgrid Development Conference

2nd Microgrid Development for Public & Private Sectors West Coast
July 29th to 30th, 2015
Orange County, California
Marc Mueller-Stoffels will be in California this week presenting at the 2nd Microgrid Development for Public & Private Sectors West Coast Conference. The microgrid conference will cover topics including alternative islanding philosophies, enabling technologies, successful design and architecture, economics, and the regulatory landscape.
Marc’s presentation, “Integrating Renewable to a High Penetration – Knowing at what Point you need Storage and which Technologies to Select,” will cover
- Analyzing achievable penetration levels with little or no energy storage
- Implementing energy storage to manage the variability of your renewable and deciding which storage system to use: thermal or electric
- Selecting the right energy storage solution for a given application – from power quality to peak shifting
Learn more about this event.
Photo: Marc Mueller-Stoffels. Photo credit T. Paris, UAF.