Hatch Flywheel Testing Complete

Hatch’s testing in ACEP’s Energy Technology Facility (ETF) is now complete. Along with the project wrap-up comes the cleanup as ACEP’s researchers have been busy the last week disassembling the flywheel and preparing it for shipment back to Hatch.
Testing proved to be worthwhile over the last several months both for Hatch and for ACEP’s Power Systems Integration team. The experience allowed Hatch to see how their technology would perform in a remote microgrid environment while at the same time allowing the PSI team to push the ETF to its limits and prove its capability.
With flywheel testing now complete the PSI team’s work will focus on other projects in the coming year, such as “diesel-off” research and the Ambri liquid metal battery test.
Photo: The flywheel amidst disassembly in ACEP’s ETF preparingfor shipping back to Hatch. Photo courtesy of M. Frey, ACEP/UAF.