Cordwood Boiler Training in Tanana

Early this week ACEP Biomass Coordinator Amanda Byrd will be in Tanana with members of the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA), Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC), Alaska Department of Labor (ADOL), Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC), and Dectra Corporation (creators of the Garn Boiler) to host a training workshop for boiler operators from Anvik, Holy Cross, Hughes, Kobuk, Koyukuk, Tanacross, Tanana, and Tetlin, Alaska.
The training will be a three day long event covering general use, maintenance, and troubleshooting on wood fired boiler systems. This training is taking place as many of the attending communities have been funded for biomass boiler design and construction grants through the Renewable Energy Fund grant.
The training is funded by AEA, ANTHC, TCC, ADOL, and Dectra Corporation with assistance from ACEP.
Photo: Garn wood fired boiler. Photo credit A. Byrd, ACEP/UAF.