ACEP Researcher attends GRC Annual Meeting

38th GRC Annual Meeting and GEA Geothermal Energy Expo
Oregon Convention Center
Portland, Oregon
September 28 – October 1, 2014
ACEP’s Chris Pike, Project Manager of the Pilgrim Hot Springs Project, attended last week’s 38th GRC Annual Meeting and GEA Geothermal Energy Expo in Portland, Oregon. Two papers, "The Pilgrim Hot Springs, Alaska Thermal Anomaly" and "Fluid -Entry Temperatures, Depths, and Water Chemistry at Pilgrim Hot Springs, Alaska" authored by Chris Pike, Gwen Holdmann, and ACEP affiliated researcher Dick Benoit were also submitted and accepted for presentation at the event.
The event provided an excellent venue from which to get an inside look at the geothermal industry in America and around the world.
Logo courtesy of GRC.