Aleks Login Support
Preparing to Login to ALEKS
Before logging into ALEKS you will need to setup your account and verify your computer
meets the necessary requirements.
You will need to be an enrolled or admitted University of Alaska undergraduate student. If you are a new non-degree seeking student or have applied for admission but have not received your acceptance letter yet, you will need to contact your campus Registrar's Office for assistance.
ALEKS uses your UA Username and password to login. ELMO is the University's tool for looking up your UA Username and setting your password.
How to set up your UA Username using ELMO.
Once you have setup your UA Username and password, please verify that your browser is compatible under the ALEKS system requirements section. For additional technical support for ALEKS tests, contact ALEKS Support.
Aleks System Requirements Checker
Note: to re-check after changing browser settings, refresh this page.
Finally, go back and login to ALEKS. If you are unable to login to ALEKS, please contact the NTS Service Desk to troubleshoot the issue. Your account may require a manual permission change to allow you to login to ALEKS.