UAF Bookstore Bundle
Textbook and course material program
Our UAF Bookstore Bundle program makes getting your course materials more convenient and affordable.
- Receive all your course materials before the first day of class
- Save 35-50% on the cost of course materials each term
- Benefit from a highly personalized service
Frequently asked questions
UAF Bookstore Bundle program
The UAF Bookstore Bundle is a course material model that simplifies the student experience, lowers the cost of materials, and ensures students have access to all of their required course materials on or before the first day of class. Through this innovative program, physical books are conveniently packaged and provided to students on a rental basis, and access to digital material is directly within Canvas, simply priced at $20 per credit hour. At the end of the term, students will receive email reminders to return rented physical course materials to the bookstore.
- Register for your classes and the bookstore will start preparing your course materials
- One month before classes start, you will receive an email instructing you to select your delivery preference (in-store pickup or shipped directly to you for a small fee)
- An email notification will be sent when your order is ready for pickup or when it ships
- Your digital materials will be delivered for your course(s) within Canvas if the access code is digitally received. Students should follow the instructions that come with physical access codes to access those materials.
All courses at the university are part of the UAF Bookstore Bundle program, with the exception of co-sponsored courses, 500-level Professional Development courses, Veterinary Medicine (DVM) courses, and specialized coursework such as Thesis (F699) and Research/Project (F698). Regardless of course materials selection, all courses at the university with an associated credit hour status that are included in the program will be assessed the $20 per credit hour charge.
The program provides all required textbooks, eTextbooks, lab manuals, and access codes to eligible students.
The program does not include consumable course supplies that cannot be returned and reused such as lab goggles, dissection kits, molecular model kits, engineering kits or nursing kits. It also does not include tools such as calculators, or texts that are listed as "recommended" or "optional".
All eligible students will be automatically enrolled in the UAF Bookstore Bundle program.
Students taking late start courses will automatically be enrolled in the program, with the exception of co-sponsored courses, 500-level Professional Development courses, Veterinary Medicine (DVM) courses, and specialized coursework such as Thesis (F699) and Research/Project (F698). Upon registering in the late start course the UAF Bookstore will send notices requesting student to verify their order and select delivery preference (in store pick up or shipped).
All required textbooks, eTextbooks, lab manuals, and access codes for all courses included in the program will be provided in the bundle package. Students may opt-out of the program if they prefer to purchase materials individually.
The deadline to return all rental textbooks is the last day of final exams for the semester. Students will receive reminders ahead of the rental deadline to their email address.
Yes, you will still be required to return continuation course textbooks. You will be issued the same title for the next semester of the continuation course.
If course materials have been picked up or delivered for the dropped class, those materials should be returned to the bookstore within 48 hours. If you drop a class and enroll in a different class, the bookstore will “swap” the required course materials so that you have what you need.
UAF provides accessible textbook assistance to individuals with disabilities. Students who experience a disability(ies) or meet the criteria outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are encouraged to register with UAF Disability Services. The UAF Bookstore will collaborate with Disability Services, instructors, and textbook publishers to ensure that students receive accessible materials. The registration form and more information on the accommodation process is available by visiting the Disability Services website at For additional details, please reach out to Disability Services directly via email at or by calling 907-474-5655.
"Welcome" email sent from Barnes & Noble introducing the program. | 12/9/2024 |
Students will see which course materials |
“Make Your Selection” email sent from Barnes & Noble. Students who enroll in classes after this date will receive this email with in 24 hours of registering. |
12/16/2024 |
Student will place their order and choose their Note: a reminder email will be sent regularly until order selection is made. |
Opt-Out link goes live on | 12/16/2024 | Students may compare retail pricing vs. $20 per credit hour on Barnes & Noble website to determine which option best meets their needs this semester. |
Last day to opt-out of the UAF Bookstore Bundle Program and receive a credit on the student account. | 1/31/2025 | Link to opt-out or back into the program is found at |
Digital access is turned off for students not remaining in the UAF Bookstore Bundle Program and/or who have not already purchased their materials. | 2/1/2025 | Students who opt-out of the program must purchase their materials out of pocket to continue accessing their digital assignments on or after this date. When they purchase their materials, they will be able to pick up right where they left off; no work will be lost. |
“Make Your Selection” email sent from Barnes & Noble within 24 hours of registering for classes. | 2/1/2025- 5/10/2025 |
Student will place their order and choose their delivery preference (in store pick
up or shipped for a small fee). Email comes from |
Opt-out for late start classes | 2/1/2025- 5/10/2025 | Students only taking late start classes should contact the UAF Bookstore to request
the option to opt out of the program, if preferred. Note: Students enrolled in regular semester courses who did not opt-out by 1/31/2025 will not be eligible to opt-out of the program for late start classes. |
Opting out
Students have the option to opt-out of the UAF Bookstore Bundle program each semester during the opt-out window. The opt-out window for Fall 2024 is open July 23, 2024 through September 13, 2024. The opt-out window for Spring 2025 is open December 16, 2024 through January 31, 2025.
By opting out, students will not receive their required materials in a convenient package and access to digital content will be removed after the opt-out window closes. Students will receive an emails with a link to the opt-out experience when this option is live. Options for purchasing course materials after opting out can be found on the bookstore website. After opting out, the student will receive a confirmation email from Barnes and Noble College including the option to opt back in. To opt back in, they may simply follow the link in the email. Please note final selection must be made prior to the opt-out deadline each semester.
There may be situation where the UAF Bookstore Bundle charge exceeds the retail amount for required books or does not benefit the student in a given semester. For example, maybe one or more enrolled courses is utilizing no-cost materials or no materials at all. In this case, it might be a good idea for the student to opt out that semester. We encourage students to visit the UAF Bookstore website to search for and review the costs of their required materials as compared to the UAF Bookstore Bundle cost before making the decision to opt-out.
Remember to do your research every semester!
The deadline to opt out for Fall is September 13, 2024, and for Spring is January 31, 2025. To opt out:
- Click on the blue tab that says Opt out/Opt back in, located in the How It Works section of this website.
- Sign in to your program portal using University credentials.
- Once in the program portal, click on the I want to opt out option, located at the bottom of the page.
- In the pop-up screen, confirm selection by clicking on I want to opt out.
- The confirmation screen will open, indicating you has successfully opted out.
UAF Bookstore Bundle charges will be reversed from student's University account within 48-72 hours of opting out AND returning all course materials received as part of the UAF Bookstore Bundle program (if applicable).
Click here to print or download the opt out instructions with screen shots.
Students taking only late start classes that begin after September 13, 2024 in the Fall and after January 31, 2025 in the Spring who would like to opt out should contact the UAF Bookstore at or 907-474-6858. The following information should be included in a request to opt-out of a late start course:
- student id number
- the name of the course(s) to opt-out of
- the start date of the course
Note: Students enrolled in regular semester courses who did not opt-out by the deadline will not be eligible to opt-out of the program for late start classes.
UAF Bookstore Bundle charges will be reversed from student's University account within 48-72 hours of opting out AND returning all course materials received as part of the UAF Bookstore Bundle program (if applicable).
To change the opt-out status and opt into the UAF Bookstore Bundle, students should follow the instructions found in the opt-out confirmation email they received or follow the Opt-out/Opt back in link found on this page above. Please note the final selection must be made prior to the opt-out deadline each semester.
Students will be responsible for purchasing their required course materials through the bookstore.
Please note, digital material access from the UAF Bookstore Bundle program will be removed after the opt-out deadline, regardless of when a student opts out of the program. Students must purchase their digital materials prior to the opt-out deadline to ensure there is no disruption to their access.
Yes, students will have 48 hours to return their physical textbooks after opting out. Once textbooks are returned, the bundle program charges will be removed from the student account. If the textbooks are not return, the charges for the bundle will remain on the student account.
In order to use Title IV Financial Aid for the course materials included in the UAF Bookstore Bundle program, a student must give authorization. The authorization process may be completed through UAOnline. For more information regarding Title IV Financial Aid and the steps to authorize the use for these charges please visit the Office of the Bursar website.
For more information regarding financial aid, scholarships and other types of aid
please visit the UAF Financial Aid website.
How much will the UAF Bookstore Bundle cost me this semester?
To calculate your total semester cost, type or select the number of credit hours you are registered for.