Online Dictionary Resources for Alaska Native Languages
Many dictionaries of Alaska Native languages have been scanned are are available as
searchable PDF documents. Still others include web-accessible versions. The following
is a list of electronic dictionary resources in our collection. This list is expanding
as we continue to digitize our collection, so check back often for additional resources.
Those materials marked with a book icon () can be purchased in book form from the Alaska Native Language Center for a nominal cost.
Inuit-Yupik-Unangan (Eskimo-Aleut)
- Unangan (Aleut)
- Unangam Tunudgusii. Aleut Dictionary. (1994, PDF) AL950B1994a
- Unangam Tunudgusii. Aleut Dictionary. (1994, PDF) AL950B1994a
- Inupiaq
- Abridged Inupiaq and English Dictionary (1981, PDF) IN(N)971M1981
- Kaŋiqsisautit Uqayusraġnikun / Kobuk Iñupiat Junior Dictionary (1979, PDF) IN(S)M975SDG1979
- Iñupiat Eskimo Dictionary (1970, HTML) Online at Alaskool
- Abridged Inupiaq and English Dictionary (1981, PDF) IN(N)971M1981
- Yugtun (Central Yup'ik)
- Yup'ik Eskimo Dictionary (1984, PDF) CY972J1984d
- Yup'ik Eskimo Dictionary (revised 2012 edition, available from ANLC
- Alutiiq
- Nanwalegmiut Paluwigmiut-llu Nupugnerit / Conversational Alutiiq Dictionary (Kenai
Peninsula) (1978, PDF) SU972L1978a
- A Conversational Dictionary of Kodiak Alutiiq (1978, PDF) SU972L1978b
- Nanwalegmiut Paluwigmiut-llu Nupugnerit / Conversational Alutiiq Dictionary (Kenai
Peninsula) (1978, PDF) SU972L1978a
- Tlingit
- 575+ Tlingit Verbs (2010, HTML) online
- English-Tlingit Dictionary: Nouns (1963, rev. 1976) TL972Dv1976
- Dictionary of Tlingit (2009, book) TL005E2009
- Eyak Dictionary (1970, PDF) EY961K1970b
- Ahtna
- Ahtna Noun Dictionary (1975, PDF) AT973BK1975
- Ahtna Athabaskan Dictionary (1990, PDF) AT973K1990
- Dena'ina
- Kenai Tanaina Noun Dictionary (1974, PDF) TI972K1974i
- Dena'ina Athabaskan Junior Dictionary / Dena'ina Qenaga Duch'duldih (1979, PDF) TI974WK1979
- Dena'ina Topical Dictionary (2007) purchase from ANLC
- Deg Xinag
- Deg Xinag Ingalik Noun Dictionary (1978, PDF) IK974K1978a
- Deg Xinag Learners' Dictionary (2007, HTML) Online at Alaska Native Knowledge Network
- Holikachuck Noun Dictionary (1978, PDF) HO975K1978c
- Upper Kuskokwim
- Dinak'i (Our Words). Upper Kuskokwim Athabaskan Junior Dictionary (1979, PDF) UK964CP1979
- Koyukon
- Central Koyukon Junior Dictionary (PDF, 1978) KO972J1978i
- Central Koyukon Junior Dictionary (PDF, 1978) KO972J1978i
- Lower Tanana
- Lower Tanana Athabaskan Dictionary (PDF) TNMN981K1994b
- Minto-Nenana Athabaskan Noun Dictionary (PDF) TNMN961K1974a
- Tanacross
- Tanacross Noun Dictionary (1973, PDF) TC968M1973a
- Tanacross Learners' Dictionary (2008, HTML) Online at Alaska Native Language Center
- Upper Tanana
- Nee'aaneegn' / Upper Tanana (Tetlin) Junior Dictionary (2009, PDF) UT961MJ2009
- Nee'aaneek / Upper Tanana Glossary (1997, PDF) UT991J1997b
- Han
- Han Gwich'in Athapaskan Noun Dictionary (1978, PDF) HN976R1978b
- Gwich'in
- Gwich'in Junior Dictionary (1979, PDF) KU973P1979a
- Western Gwich'in Topical Dictionary (1991, PDF) KU960M1991
- Gwich'in Stem-based Lexical File (1999 draft, PDF) KU973L1999
- Gwich'in Junior Dictionary (1979, PDF) KU973P1979a
- Dictionary of Alaskan Haida (2010, PDF) HAA004L2010
The above works are copyrighted by the National Bilingual Materials Development Center and/or the Alaska Native Language Center and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. This license prohibits unauthorized reproduction in any form for commercial use. Reproduction for education, non-profit use is permitted, provided the original authors/compilers are acknowledged.