CTC parking garage given efficient lighting

July 28, 2014

University Relations

Students Tomas Nichols and Kristoffer Nystrom have converted the high-pressure sodium light fixtures in the Community and Technical College parking garage in downtown Fairbanks to energy-efficient LED fixtures.

The sodium lights produced an excessive amount of heat, leading to early ballast failure and higher maintenance costs. The new LED fixtures are much easier and less costly to maintain. In addition, the LED fixtures will reduce power consumption by at least 50 percent.

The Review of Infrastructure, Sustainability and Energy  Board funded the lighting project with UAF student fees. Each student in Fairbanks pays a sustainability fee of $20 per semester. The money is used to fund projects at UAF that invest in efficiency and renewable energy.

Visit the Office of Sustainability's FAQ page for more information about submitting a proposal to use the fee money.