Friday Focus: UAF putting mining on the MAPTS
By Bryan Uher and William “Bill” Beiber
MAPTS, or the Mining and Petroleum Training Services, is a true hidden gem within UAF. MAPTS provides both an above-ground and underground mining- and petroleum-based training experience specifically geared towards industry. The main mining program operates out of a 50-acre training facility located 30 miles south of Delta Junction with over 6,000 feet of mine shafts, two classrooms and a three-story office complex completely underground. The realistic training environment offers a remote camp experience with a 36-bed bunkhouse and kitchen/dining hall. All of these aspects of the training prepare students for the rigors of working away from home while also providing the skills necessary to be reliable, safe and productive employees in the mining industry.
With the growing interest in mining and resource development within and outside of Alaska, MAPTS has been busy working with new and existing partners to provide training through this one-of-a-kind experience. To date, MAPTS has trained 572 Alaskans as miners and heavy equipment operators and is recognized internationally for its elite training structure.
In 2019, MAPTS was awarded a grant through the U.S. State Department in partnership with the University of Utah to provide safety, underground mine and instructor training to the KTI training facility located in Sisimiut Greenland. MAPTS now provides Mine Safety and Health Administration training, employability training and underground mine training for Greenlandic students.
Like the Greenland partnership, MAPTS is currently working with a mining company in Rwanda, Africa, to provide contract training to three of their mines. This will include the MAPTS signature underground mine training at the MAPTS industry training facility near Delta Junction, safety consulting and MSHA training at the Rwanda mines.
MAPTS shares in the UAF goal to become an R1 institution and is open to partnering on research efforts that would benefit from MAPTS resources. If you know of a project that could utilize the mining facility to further research efforts, please contact me at to discuss how we can support you. Additionally, MAPTS provides tours of the industrial training faculty located near Delta Junction through its completion ceremonies each month. If you are interested in attending one of these events, please reach out for upcoming dates.
Bryan Uher is the associate vice chancellor for rural and workforce education. William “Bill” Beiber is the executive director of MAPTS.