Walsh Hall parking lot closed for building repairs

March 7, 2017

Carla Browning

Damages to Walsh Hall and the Whitaker Building caused by steam and water leaks in January 2015 will be repaired during the next six months.

A contractor will soon begin the work, so the Walsh Hall parking lot will be closed starting March 8 for snow removal. The contractor is scheduled to mobilize equipment and materials on March 14.

The east side of the parking lot, next to Walsh Hall, will remain closed for the duration of the repair project to allow contractor access, material staging and dumpsters for construction debris. Students and faculty may no longer park in front of Walsh Hall. Pedestrians should be alert and exercise caution when entering the area.

Walsh Hall will be completely renovated. In the Whitaker Building, water damage to the University Fire Department's kitchen, dining, storage and mechanical rooms will be repaired. The project's estimated completion date is Sept. 30, 2017.