UWA fall tea Sept. 23

September 14, 2018

University Relations

Connecting: Holiday Bazaar and Scholarships is the theme for the University Women's Association annual fall tea on Sunday, Sept. 23, from 2-4 p.m. in the BP Design Center on the fourth floor of the Engineering and Learning Innovation Facility. Learn about the upcoming annual UWA holiday bazaar, the 2019 scholarships and recent scholarship recipients. Invite a friend! Refreshments will be provided, and a box for donations to the UAF food pantry will be available.

RSVP to Rita Osborne at 907-479-4535 or ritaosborne@gmail.com.

UWA is a social/service organization whose goal is to benefit the university community and promote friendship among its members. The holiday bazaar proceeds provide UAF student scholarships. UWA has been doing this for 50 years and has raised over a quarter million dollars for deserving UAF students. Visit the UWA web page or the holiday bazaar Facebook page to learn more.