University of Alaska begins presidential search

January 27, 2015

University Relations

Kate Wattum

The University of Alaska Board of Regents approved a presidential search plan at its Jan. 22-23 meeting in Anchorage. Academic Search Inc. has been contracted to facilitate a focused search effort with the goal of approving a new president in May 2015.

President Patrick K. Gamble informed the board in December that he would retire June 1, 2015. During his tenure, the university developed Shaping Alaska's Future to address issues identified through an extensive outreach effort. The initiative outlines 23 effects, or outcomes, that UA is pursuing to meet Alaskans' learning, research, economic, social and cultural needs. UA already is seeing performance improvements, including increased graduation rates and more degrees and certificates granted in high-demand areas such as engineering, health disciplines and teacher education.

Regent Mary K. Hughes will lead the search process and chair an ex-officio presidential search advisory committee composed of board members; student, faculty and staff representatives; UA Foundation leaders; and members of the public. The committee will review candidates and recommend a short list to the Board of Regents, which hires the university president. Once final, a list of committee members will be posted on the presidential search website.

The presidential search website has a comprehensive position profile and information on how to apply for it.

"We have been fortunate to have Pat Gamble as our president during the past five years," said Jo Heckman, Board of Regents chair. "He leaves the university in a strong position as it faces significant changes in the higher education landscape and challenging fiscal times for Alaska. We are looking for a strong leader to keep us moving forward."