UAF United Way effort

November 6, 2013

Carla Browning

The goal this year is to raise $72,500 for the United Way of the Tanana Valley and increase participation to 245 donors, but we can't do it without your help. By supporting the United Way of the Tanana Valley, we can make sure help is there when it is needed.

The Community Action Fund is distributed among 21 United Way agencies. These organizations focus on education, income, health and crisis intervention. The Substance Abuse Fund supports projects and programs that offer preventive solutions to drug and alcohol abuse in our community. The UWTV motto is “Advancing the Common Good by Focusing on the Building Blocks for a Good Life.”Forms should be arriving in your in-boxes soon. Not everyone can give at the same level, but your gift can really make a difference in our community.
Find out more!

Here are just a few of the ways you can participate.

Chili cook-off
Student Activities is hosting a Chili Cook-Off with all proceeds going to the United Way of the Tanana Valley. Sign up to participate! The first 12 teams that sign up will be accepted. The cook-off will take place from noon-2 p.m. Nov. 12 in the Wood Center. Cost will be $1 for one taste or $10 for all. At the end of the event, votes on which chili was the favorite will be tallied.

Make a contribution for a chance to win
Students, faculty or staff who contribute to the UAF United Way campaign will be entered into a drawing to win an annual parking permit and other great prizes.

Host a special event
Hosting a special event in your department is a great way to participate and helps bring awareness to United Way services and the member agencies. Try some of these creative ideas!

Host a United Way presentation
If you'd like more information about UAF's United Way fundraising effort, please contact Amanda Wall in the Bursar's Office or Mike Earnest in the Office of Admissions and the Registrar.