UAF United Way campaign is underway

November 11, 2015

Carla Browning

UAF will participate in the campaign to raise funds for the United Way of the Tanana Valley. By supporting the United Way, and its 21 United Way member agencies we can make sure help is there when it's needed.

Ways you can help
This year the goal is to double UAF's participation from last year. You can fill out a payroll deduction online this year. Forms should also be delivered soon. Not everyone can give at the same level, but your gift can really make a difference in our community. Contribute online.

Here are just a few of the ways you can participate.

Make a contribution for a chance to win
Students, faculty or staff who contribute to the UAF United Way campaign before Dec. 16 will be entered into a drawing to win the following prizes:

  • annual parking permit.

  • meal plans from UAF Dining Services.

  • 100,000 Alaska Airlines miles if you donate $50 or increase your donation by $50 from last year by Dec. 31.

Host a special event
Hosting a special event in your department is a great way to participate and helps bring awareness to United Way services and the member agencies. Contact your co-chairs for some creative ideas.

Host a United Way presentation
If you’d like more information about UAF’s United Way fundraising effort, please contact this year’s co-chairs, Amanda Wall and Brad Lobland.