UAF professors organize seminar on sustainability in construction

September 28, 2016

University Relations

Robert Perkins and F. Lawrence Bennett, UAF civil engineering professors, will lead the 2016 Moolin Seminar in Anchorage on Oct. 31. The theme of the seminar is Environmentally Sustainable Construction Practices in Cold Regions.

The two professors are active researchers for the Center for Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Cold Climates at UAF. Their presentation will draw on their previously completed CESTiCC report, "Sustainable Construction in Remote Cold Regions."

The seminar will also feature 12 other presentations of speakers from government and industry.  Registration is currently open. Here is the direct link to the on-line registration site:

Frank Moolin, chief engineer on the trans-Alaska pipeline, died of cancer in 1982, five years after the pipeline was completed. The Moolin Seminar, sponsored by the Alaska Society of Professional Engineers, honors his legacy and strives to improve management of large projects in Alaska.