Teaching tip: SafeAssign in Blackboard

April 23, 2013


Avoiding plagiarism is a one if the key components to UAF's Student Code of Conduct. Lessons and discussions on ways to cite and paraphrase correctly, however, are not included therein.

SafeAssign is a Blackboard module that not only allows instructors to check student papers against published content, but also can be configured in the course shell to allow students to check their own work. This can be a valuable part of a learning activity for beginning writers. Find out more about using SafeAssign in this week's teaching tip.

Web link: http://elearning.uaf.edu/go/tt-archive
RSS feed: http://iteachu.uaf.edu/feed

Teaching Tip by eLearning and Distance Education Instructional Designer Dan Lasota.

UAF eLearning Teaching Tip's Live Sessions

Noon - 1 p.m. on Wednesday, May 1 in 417 Akasofu
Owen Guthrie - Gamification

Humanity now plays three billion hours of technology-based games every week. How can some elements of these games be used to improve student engagement and learning outcomes? Gamification is an exciting and emergent topic in education, but it contains many misconceptions. We will talk about some of these misconceptions, and formulate an accurate view of the potential for gamification in education. We will also discuss types of games and motivational systems, including badging, that can be used to provide your students opportunities to be awesome.

Can't be at the campus location: look online for video streaming and recorded sessions.