Taku Drive-Tanana Loop intersection closed for paving

September 10, 2015

Carla Browning

The intersection of Tanana Loop and Taku Drive will be closed Friday, Sept. 11, as contractors place asphalt paving .

H eavy equipment will occupy the intersection while tying the existing asphalt to the new. Please use caution when traveling in this area.

During intersection closure, the contractor will place signs at the Yukon Drive-Tanana Loop intersection explaining that the section of Tanana Loop to the south can be used only for local access only to the Fine Arts Complex, Rasmuson Library, Brooks Building and Duckering Building. There will be no other exit point.

A flagger will be posted at the Tanana Loop-Taku intersection, along with a sign announcing the closure. A flagger also will help direct pedestrian traffic.

At the bottom of Taku Drive, near the parking lot entrance, a sign will explain that the road will provide temporary access only to the Forestry Building, occupied by the Cooperative Extension Service.

For further information, please contact UAF Facilities Services' Customer Service Center at 474-7000.