Teaching Tip: Take (or peruse) an online course

July 8, 2016

Marissa Carl

One of the most common questions faculty ask in UAF eLearning iTeach workshops is: “What does an online course look like?” We all have years — and in some cases decades — of practice forming expectations of face-to-face learning experiences, but for those who are new to teaching online it is often difficult to imagine how it all works. Learning experiences are complicated. Even if you’re a veteran online instructor, it can be helpful to take a look at what others are doing in their online courses. No matter where you’re at, touring a few courses can be a very important step toward building your fluency with the medium of online instruction.

Read the full Teaching Tip for ideas on where to find courses that will be helpful to you.

— Teaching Tip by Owen Guthrie, M.A., who is an instructional designer with over 30 years of experience serving teaching and learning in higher education.