Conference offers leadership training to students

October 15, 2015

University Relations

Screen-Shot-2015-10-07-at-11.16.13-AM The Student Leadership Conference will be held Saturday, Oct. 24.

Breakfast will kick off at 9:30 a.m. Conference sessions will start promptly at 10 a.m.

The conference is geared toward any student looking to develop a personal leadership style. Whether you're a club officer, an involved student, a student looking to become involved or a person who just wants to have some fun, this conference is for you. Conference facilitator Tracy Knofla will host workshops such as program planning, dealing with conflict civilly, thriving in chaos and more.

Tracy will hold three preconference workshops on Friday, Oct. 23. Workshops are free and open to all. To find out more, check out the OrgSync event pages. These workshops include: Discourse with Civility, Program Planning, and Everyday Ethics.

Financial aid and waivers are available to help with the $20 conference registration fee. If you would like a waiver, please contact Josh Hovis (, 474-1959 or Room 101J in Wood Center) and/or indicate your need on your registration form.

Conference registration includes breakfast and lunch.

Space is limited to 70 participants.

The conference is sponsored by UAF's Leadership, Involvement and Volunteer Experience program.