Strategic Direction Listening Session for staff Feb. 14

February 9, 2012

Marmian Grimes

University of Alaska President Pat Gamble, with the support of the chancellors and the Board of Regents, invites you to attend a Strategic Direction Listening Session as part of the Shaping Alaska’s Future 2017 process. The focus of the session is to address the question: “We are Alaska’s colleges and universities – how can we serve you better?”

Last fall twenty strategic listening sessions were held across the state. Now the sessions are geared towards obtaining internal feedback from university faculty, staff, students and alumni. Separate sessions will be held for each of these groups.

Staff’s opportunity to offer input at a Strategic Direction Listening Session will be held from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 14 in Wood Center E/F.

All UAF staff are encouraged to attend and make their voices heard.

Additional information about the Shaping Alaska’s Future initiative:

If you have questions about the UAF Strategic Listening Sessions, please contact Chas St.George at