SOLD Silent Auction

December 4, 2013


SOLD's second annual Silent Auction will be held from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on Dec. 10 in the Wood Center, conference room E/F. Anyone interested can also bid online through SOLD's Facebook page. Participants can bid on items by going to the "Silent Auction 2013" photo album and leaving their bid in a comment on the photo of their desired basket during the auction hours. These bids and the bids given in-person will be kept in sync.

We hope to duplicate the success of last year's Silent Auction and, again, be able to send one or two members to the Servant Leadership Institute in San Diego or possibly bring a speaker to Fairbanks. Anyone interested in donating an item to the auction, please contact the Northern Leadership Center by stopping by 109 Bunnell or emailing