A short guide to meals and munching

September 8, 2015

University Relations

Meal plans offer students a combination of Munch Money and block meals. Munch Money should be used for breakfast, lunch and quick snacks, and in the vending machines. Blocks are used for dinners at Dine Forty-nine or may be exchanged for up to $8 after 4:30 p.m. at all open dining locations.

To check your balance, be sure to get a receipt from the cashier. Meal plans are designed to ensure students have enough money for food for the entire semester, so budget wisely. Budget worksheets are located outside Campus Cache in the Moore-Bartlett-Scarland residence hall complex and Dine Forty-nine in Wood Center.

For more information, check out UAF Dining Service's website at www.uaf.edu/dining or visit at Eielson Building room 110.