Shared services centers

April 9, 2020

Tori Tragis

— by Dan White, chancellor

Thank you very much to the teams of employees and individuals for submitting proposals from my call for shared services ideas. Based on the six proposals submitted, there were two that best met the scope of the request by building on existing expertise but expanding to a larger service area to provide consistent and high-quality support. My expectation is that we will be able to get to two shared service centers, one on the West Ridge, and one on Core Campus. This expansion plan will need additional input from the submitting teams to formulate a broader plan, including a way to gather input from service stakeholders. I have asked two teams to submit revised, larger scale proposals.

In their revisions I have asked the GI (proposal led by Dave Read) and Facilities Services (proposal led by Kellie Fritze) to consider how to incorporate a shared services advisory board made up of campus stakeholders, a broader scope, and a proposed organizational structure and transition plan. 

Thank you to everyone that submitted shared service center proposals. Many great ideas were brought forward. The final shared services center proposals are due by April 29 and will be shared for comments from across UAF.