Scientists needed to view exhibit

July 19, 2016

Meghan Murphy

lioninviteThe Colors of Nature Academy needs at least 20 scientists to view posters and science-inspired costumes on  Friday, July 22 , from 3 to 4 p.m. in the Murie Building atrium. There will be light snacks.
Twenty-eight girls going into fifth, sixth and seventh grades integrated science and art to design costumes for their final projects in UAF's Colors of Nature Academy. They will exhibit their costumes and explain the science and art behind them.

The program needs faculty, graduate students and undergraduates in the sciences to view the costumes, listen to the girls' explanations and ask questions.

The academy, within the College of Natural Science and Mathematics, offers a two-week summer science and art academy for girls entering fifth through seventh grades. Laura Conner, a research assistant professor with the college, directs the program.

RSVPs aren't necessary but are appreciated. Please email Meghan Murphy at