Regent Davies to lead Title IX listening sessions

March 23, 2016

UAF News

By John Davies
University of Alaska regent

In my role as a UA regent, I have heard testimony from students, faculty and staff regarding sexual violence and harassment and the need to improve prevention efforts and service to victims of harassment and assault. I am aware of the significant efforts being made by the statewide administration and the chancellors at each campus to comply with federal guidelines and improve campus safety. To gain even more insight, UA Board of Regents' Chair Jyotsna "Jo" Heckman has approved a listening tour at UAF, UAA and UAS. As chair of the Regents' Title IX Subcommittee, I will visit the three universities this month to meet and talk directly with as many people as possible to hear concerns and better understand these complex issues, to explore ways we can improve campus culture, and to make sure we provide the best possible service, remedies, due process and full accountability for investigations into instances of sexual assault or harassment.

I will be at the UAF Wood Center from 4:30-6 p.m. on Wednesday, March 23, to listen to your concerns, suggestions and perspectives.

We have more to do, but we are making great strides in the right direction. With your help we will do more than meet compliance guidelines; we will lead in the effort to change culture and actively prevent violence and harassment from occurring in the first place.

Please join me and add your voice to this effort.