Update on program review process and feedback

February 17, 2015

Carla Browning

By Susan Henrichs

As you probably know, UAF is currently undergoing a review of nearly one quarter of its academic program offerings.

Given the probable, substantial reductions in state funding in the next two years, Chancellor Rogers has set a goal of saving $3 million via program reductions or eliminations.

We have chosen to selectively reduce or eliminate some programs, instead of reducing all programs, across-the-board, by an equivalent amount.

The review is focusing on a group of programs selected by the planning and budget committee. The selection was based on the following criteria:

  • Programs with the lowest in enrollments in their category.

  • Programs with the lowest graduates/enrollments in their category.

  • Programs with a sharp decline in enrollments over the past five years.

The review committee will make recommendations on whether to continue, continue with changes or discontinue the programs. The options will be forwarded to the administrator committee, which will also make its recommendations and forward them to the Chancellor’s Cabinet to make the final determination.

The role of faculty in the program review process is especially difficult. There is a large quantity of material to review (over 1000 pages) and all of the faculty on the committee are very aware that their recommendations could lead to decisions that will impact their colleagues. If you have feedback, please provide it via this Google form, but I ask that you do not contact the committee directly to express concerns. The input received will also be provided to the administrator committee and to the Chancellor’s Cabinet.

The internal UAF process is expected to be completed by approximately early April. After that, the recommendations are forwarded to the Board of Regents in June at the earliest, but more likely, September. Students who are enrolled currently will be given a reasonable time to complete their programs, as required by accreditation standards.