Produce conference to focus on potatoes, marketing

February 14, 2013

Marmian Grimes

Photo by Jeff Smeenk. A research assistant hills potatoes in plots at the Matanuska Experiment Farm..
Photo by Jeff Smeenk. A research assistant hills potatoes in plots at the Matanuska Experiment Farm..
Debbie Carter

The annual Produce Growers Conference Feb. 19-20 at the Palmer Depot will highlight potatoes and farm marketing.

Four Extension potato experts from the Lower 48 will talk about identifying and preventing common potato diseases, including late blight and bacterial ring rot. They will participate by audio and Alaska experts will answer questions.

Ring rot caused significant losses of potatoes in the Matanuska Valley last year, according to Palmer Cooperative Extension agent Steve Brown. Potatoes are the second-most valuable crop in the state, behind hay, and the most important crop in the Valley.

The UAF Cooperative Extension Service hosts the conference for growers, Brown said, to provide the latest research and recommendations. Other topics will include Facebook marketing, farm insurance, farm management, weeds, using mycorrhizae, precision farming and agricultural agency updates.

The conference will run from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. both days. The agenda and registration information are linked from A fee of $30 for one day or $45 for both includes lunch. Conference co-sponsors include the Alaska Division of Agriculture and the Food Bank of Alaska.

ADDITIONAL CONTACTS: Steve Brown, Extension agriculture and horticulture agent, at 907-745-3639 or via email at

