Participate in Heart Walk 2012

March 1, 2012

LJ Evans

Brian Rogers has been UAF's chancellor since 2009Let's have a heart-to-heart chat: it's time to start thinking about the 2012 Heart Walk on May 19.

I want to encourage each of you to consider participation in this community-building, heart-healthy event that raises awareness of heart risks and raises funds for research. Heart disease and stroke are leading killers of both men and women in the U.S., but these conditions are largely preventable. How do I get involved?

  1. Lead a team. It’s easy and makes a difference. I would like to see a team in every department and institute.

  2. Donate to support a team in your office, department, school, or institute. We already have 481 staff and faculty signed up on 42 Fittest Winner Competition teams -- a remarkable response to the new fitness challenge on campus -- and it would be easy to use your Fittest Winner teams for the Heart Walk.

  3. Sign up to walk. This year's Heart Walk - on May 19 - comes after commencement, so more members of our university community should be able to join the fun.

Once you've decided your level of involvement, visit and take action today.

My office will sponsor UAF Heart Walk t-shirts again this year. Last year Todd Sherman, Art department chair, designed the shirts, and he's offered another design for this year's walkers.

Here is the time-sensitive part of this note:

If you agree to be a team leader, you will be invited to the Fairbanks Heart Walk kick-off party on Wednesday, March 7, at the Carlson Center, 11:45 a.m. - 1 p.m. If you have questions or would like help setting up a group, contact any of the following people:

I consider Heart Walk to be a high priority because of the way this event helps make positive changes in people's lives. Let's step up as leaders for heart health in our community!

Thank you.