New shuttle routes added

September 16, 2013


UAF Shuttle Services has added a new route, the TAKU route, which provides service to and from the Taku Parking lot to the Wood Center bus stop, as well as "on-call" service for North Campus Housing.

To minimize confusion with the MACS colored routes, the Red Route is now the YUKON Route, and the Green Route is now the NENANA Route.

While construction continues to close off Tanana Loop for the circular bus routes, there will be two Yukon Route shuttles running during the peak hours of 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., and for those who wish to ride from the West Ridge area to or from the Patty Center area, call 474-RIDE (7433) and a campus shuttle will be dispatched to your location.

For updates about campus shuttles, like "University of Alaska Fairbanks Shuttle Bus Services" on Facebook, or follow "UAF Shuttles" on Twitter.