Multiple changes underway at University and Student Advancement

June 21, 2016

Amy Hartley

Multiple changes are underway within UAF's Division of University and Student Advancement. They include the following:

  • Ali Knabe is the new associate vice chancellor for student services and will serve as the organization's senior leader after Vice Chancellor Mike Sfraga. Knabe will oversee the Office of Admissions and the Registrar; the Center for Health and Counseling; the Office of Disability Services; the Office of Military and Veterans Services; the Department of Recreation, Adventure and Wellness; the Wood Center Student Union; Residence Life; and contract management for dining services, the bookstore and trademarks. Knabe replaces Kris Racina, who left the post in mid-March to accept a faculty position with the UAF School of Management. As a result of these changes, Jen Peterman assumed the position of executive officer in late June.

  • On July 1, Wood Center will become the home of the new Advocacy and Resource Center to be located in room 130. This important campus resource will be staffed by a professional advocate through a cooperative arrangement with the Interior Alaska Center for Nonviolent Living. The advocate will provide confidential guidance and resources for victims of sexual harassment and assault. Securing the services and expertise of a campus advocate was a priority for our university.

  • The mission and vision of the UAF Women’s Center will expand on July 1 and will be reflected in a new name -- the Nanook Diversity and Action Center (NDAC). The center will be housed with the other Wood Center programming offices and will provide additional programs and resources on prevention and social justice initiatives. Students were key to shaping the center's direction, as well as selecting its new name. A prevention and diversity coordinator will soon be hired for the center. The coordinator will deliver training, educational programming and campus-wide outreach to raise awareness about sexual violence, intimate partner violence, gender topics and alcohol responsibility. Additionally, this center will implement robust programming focused on diverse and intersectional perspectives.

  • Laura McCollough accepted the position of dean of students earlier in the school year. Working closely with Amber Cagwin and the Title IX team, Dean McCollough has made great strides in process improvement, institutionalizing cross-campus collaboration and enhancements to UAF's judicial services. One additional full-time staff member will be added to the dean's office.

  • On July 1, Marketing and Communications will officially change its name to University Relations. The name change reflects the department's wide-ranging role. The name also brings it into alignment with colleagues at the other UA campuses and universities across the nation.

  • UA President Jim Johnsen's Strategic Pathways initiative began last week, launching a review of several universitywide programs and services. In addition to the three academic programs under review (engineering, management and education), this initial review phase includes information technology, research administration and intercollegiate athletics. The Department of Athletics at UAF is part of the Division of University and Student Advancement.