Monthly community seminars cover timely topics for instructors

October 8, 2020

Marissa Carl

Drawings of two people talking. Join your peers in upcoming Community Seminars in Teaching and Learning. Led by students and instructors, these seminars offer the UAF community an opportunity to share and learn from each other in a casual, conversational format. This program happens every other Tuesday at 1 p.m. on Zoom and is co-sponsored by UAF eCampus and the Faculty Accelerator.

The Online Student Experience
Oct. 13 at 1 p.m.

A panel of UAF students will lead this seminar, talking about their experiences as online learners. Students will discuss their techniques for managing an online course load, what gets them engaged in their online courses and what they wish more teachers knew when teaching online.

Managing Interactions in Synchronous Online Sessions
Oct. 27 at 1 p.m.

As many of us have transitioned to online learning, many are wondering how to engage students in this new context. Join Wendy Martelle and Sabine Siekmann (LING) for tips on keeping your Zoom sessions and online courses engaging for you and your students.

Mentoring Remote Students in Research
Nov. 10 at 1 p.m.

Join Jen Peterson (PSYCH), Trent Sutton (CFOS/URSA), and Abel Bult-Ito (BIOL) to learn how they are facilitating research opportunities for remote students. Peterson will discuss her CITE project, creating research assistantships for distance learners; Sutton will explain how URSA is supporting student research across the state and around the world; Bult-Ito will share about his BIOL 140 online research methods course.

Integrating Play and Passion into Online Learning
Nov. 24 at 1 p.m.

In this seminar, Rob Prince (COJO) will discuss his efforts to create uniquely engaging online courses using props, humor, and discussions. From puppets to a spacesuit and his DeLorean, Rob uses every possible tool at his disposal to energize his students and set his teaching style apart from the rest.

Reserve a seat in an upcoming seminar or watch recordings of past seminars.