Lecture focuses on biomass energy and graduate study

March 24, 2014

UAF News


The biomass coordinator for the Alaska Center for Energy and Power at the University of Alaska Fairbanks will present a lecture about renewable energy science on Thursday, March 27. 

Amanda Byrd stands in a field of rapidly growing trees.

Amanda Byrd earned a master's of science degree in 2013 from UAF. She will explain how she combined engineering with natural resource management to design a degree specific to her research needs.

Her degree work focused on short-rotation woody biomass, and the results provide useful information for communities interested in supplementing their diesel heating with biomass energy.

The lecture, part of the Natural Resources Management 692 graduate seminar, will be from 3:40–5:10 p.m. in Arctic Health Research Building 183.

For more information, contact Professor John Yarie, jayarie@alaska.edu.