Make April a month for green dot actions

April 4, 2017

Carla Browning

In 2015, an estimated 21,401 Alaska women experienced domestic or sexual violence. That was 1,783 acts of violence every month. It was 59 women experiencing violence per day in our state.

At that statistical rate, 22 UAF women students experienced domestic or sexual violence each month. 

Turn Sexual Assault Awareness Month into Sexual Assault Action Month by making a commitment to make Alaska and UAF safer. Together, if we take 400 positive actions to prevent violence in the month of April, we'll generate two "green dots" in opposition to every "red dot" representing an act of violence at UAF during the academic year. Submit your green dot commitment or action online, or stop by Arctic Java from April 17-28 to record your green dot.

Attend any of the Sexual Assault Awareness Month events to put your green dot on our campus map. Visit the Green Dot Alaska website for other things you can do to reduce the number of people affected by violence. Learn more about Green Dot at UAF at

No one person can do everything to stop violence, but each one of us can do something.