Faculty Fulbright luncheon presentation April 24

April 23, 2012

Marmian Grimes

Faculty eligible for sabbatical leave in the next few years are invited to a Fulbright luncheon presentation Tuesday, April 24, in 410 Akasofu Building/IARC from 1 – 2 p.m.

Brown bag lunches will be provided. Faculty interested regardless of an upcoming sabbatical are invited. The Fulbright Scholarship Program is a wonderful way to spend a year abroad doing research, teaching or both. There are also other shorter overseas opportunities that will be covered. If you are a previous Fulbrighter, please come as well, to describe your experiences.

UAF has one professor currently in Namibia (Susan Todd), and two recent awardees (Brian O'Donoghue in India and Channon Price in South Africa).