UAF Faculty Cafe on mentoring in March

February 20, 2014


The UAF Faculty Cafe on mentoring will take place Tuesday, March 11, from 1-2:30 p.m. in the Wood Center Ballroom.

The event is hosted by the Committee on the Status of Women and organizers would like it to become an annual spring semester event. Mentoring is vital to all faculty at every stage of their careers.

During the fall semester, the committee hosts a Women's Faculty Luncheon, but organizers say that to advance the status of women faculty they must ensure a supportive environment for all faculty.

"As faculty members, helpful and responsive mentoring is a resource we all seek, receive and provide. The Faculty Cafe will provide the opportunity for faculty members to discuss issues related to the best practices of formal and informal mentoring," said Ellen Lopez, assistant professor of psychology, Center for Alaska Native Health Research.

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Please RSVP to Lopez via email by March 7. For more information download the Convo Cafe Flyer (PDF).