Evon Peter: Inspired leadership

October 25, 2016

UAF News

Evon Peter"I started playing pool when I was 17-years-old here at the Wood Center. I fell in love with the game and would play three hours a day, most days, I eventually created a billiards course at the university and lobbied it through the faculty senate and got hired as an adjunct faculty during my undergraduate years here. I was the first adjunct faculty of billiards at UAF. So that was part of how I paid my way through my undergraduate was literally playing pool, both as an adjunct and I also played in tournaments. I started the game national ranking and I had this choice when I was 21, graduating with my bachelor’s to either pursue the professional billiards tour or move back to the village and go to work for my people and I decided that I was better off living a life helping my people than being on the professional pool tour. I gave up the dream of getting on the pro tour, but I still enjoy playing the game."

-Evon Peter
UAF Vice Chancellor of Rural, Community and Native Education