Eicken to serve as IARC director

January 20, 2016

Marmian Grimes

UAF photo by Todd Paris.  Hajo Eicken
UAF photo by Todd Paris. Hajo Eicken

Vice Chancellor for Research Larry Hinzman has appointed Hajo Eicken to serve as the director of the International Arctic Research Center, a position Eicken has held as an interim appointee since March of 2015. Eicken is a professor of geophysics whose research focuses on sea ice and its effects on Arctic and global climate systems. He came to UAF in 1998 after 10 years as a student and researcher at the Alfred Wegener Institute in Germany. He was the 2015 recipient of the Emil Usibelli Distinguished Research Award. Eicken has a degree in mineralogy from the Technical University of Clausthal in Germany and a doctorate in natural sciences from the University of Bremen in Germany.